Global Broadcast Exhibition: Avenues for Daring


Have Your Work Featured in TransCultural Exchange’s Global Broadcast Exhibition: Avenues for Daring.

Have York Work Seen by over 700,000 TransCultural Exchange TCE-TV viewers.

Please read this incentive carefully. It contains many detailed instructions, which must be followed exactly to be included in TransCultural Exchange’s Global Broadcast Exhibition.

Criteria for Participation:

  • Be among the first 50 artists to register with a friend who has never attended a previous TransCultural Exchange Conference.
  • Register by December 5, 2024 for the early-bird discount rate before.
    (Registration link for this special incentive below.)
  • Pay an additional $25 processing/editing fee (for a total of $310 each, still $55 less than the regular registration fee) and
  • Submit the required materials (see information below).

If you meet all the criteria above:

Before, during and after the Conference, your work will be included in TransCultural Exchange’s 2025 Global Broadcast Exhibition Exhibition (Avenues for Daring) – a televised an virtual exhibition which which will be shown in 2 parts on TCE TV, which is currently broadcast on:

This televised exhibition will also be promoted on TCE’s social media outlets and, in print, via a QR code inside the Conference brochure so that the Conference Speakers and attendees can check out your work before, during, and after the Conference.

This is a great way to share your work with the other Conference attendees, the public and the over 150 Conference speakers, many of whom are actively looking for new artists for their program.


There are 2 ways you and a friend can participate in the project. (You and your friend do not necessarily need to choose the same way.)


Submit a 30 second video clip of your artwork

  • Orientation: horizontal at 1080p
    Length: 30 seconds max.
    Size: no more than 7-10 MB. However, if your video has sound, it will likely be more than 10 MB. In those cases, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page and then send your video to msherman.trans[at] through (which is a free service). DO NOT USE google drive.
    Formats: QuickTime videos, .mp4 or .mpg files
  • Please do NOT submit a video, showing image after image of your work at a rapid pace. We will not use such footage as it will not make for good TV footage. (It is too hard for viewers to comprehend a barrage of face-paced images.) We will not show any video that includes more than 3 artworks.Think of your video as a ‘teaser’ – meaning a brief introduction to you and your work. Your website or Instagram will be included in the credits so people can see more if they are interested.
  • Label each clip with your last name_first name. For instance, Doe_Jane.


  • Orientation: horizontal (vertical won’t work on a TV screen).
    Pixel Size: 1920 pixels (min.on longest side) or 1080 pixels (min. on the shortest side)
    Max MB size per photo: 6 MB.
    Format: .JPG or .PNG
  • Number each photo in the following manner:
    Number_ your Last Name_followed by another underscore symbol (ie: _ ) between each word in the Title of your Work.
    For instance, if your name is Mary Smith and your first piece is titled Blue Still Life, you would label it like this:
    If your second image is titled Yellow Still Life, like this:
    If your third image is titled Rural Landscape, then, like this:


  1. Register using the link at the bottom of this page. Please note: One of you will have to pay for you both as our system doesn’t allow us to accept separate payments for this incentive.
  2. In the registration process we will ask both you and your friend for your name + either your Instagram or website, whichever each of you want us to include in the show’s closing credits.
  3. Note: When you and your friend register you will also be asked to upload your videos or images and agree that you grant TransCultural Exchange and Boston Neighborhood Network Media the right to broadcast these materials.

Important rules to follow:

  1. One (or both) of the two of you registering for the 2025 Conference must never have attended a previous TransCultural Exchange Conference. This opportunity is a special incentive to encourage more artists to participate in the Conference.

No exceptions allowed.