Missed the live zoom? Press ’Play’ above.

Live Streaming of the launch took place on the solstice, June 21, 2020, 11:00 – noon EST (UTC -4)

An Outdoor Screening of the Hello World Video Launch took place Saturday night, October 10, 2020 on the facade of the History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo and an exhibition of the Video Launch was held in the galleries at Boston City Hall during May 2021. Hello World’s concluding event Hello World: Hello Boston took place on April 23, 2022. Documentation.

Hello World, An Art Affair Around the Globe

Faced with the COVID-19 crisis, the need for social distancing, travel restrictions and reduced contact with others, TransCultural Exchange grew concerned about the isolation, loss and fear resulting from the pandemic’s decrease in our usual sources of solace – connecting with others, the arts and exchanges of all kinds. Thus, Hello World was born. Hello World extends the reach of local gestures of kindness – such as the Italian balcony singers – to a global level in the hope of offering an antidote to the rising nationalism, discrimination and other extremist tendencies that often occur when people feel scared, stressed and alone.

For this project nearly 250 artists, working in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia came together to offer the world examples of their work to create a virtual travelogue through the world of art.

In addition, Hello World gathered venues (galleries, concert halls, theaters, residencies, cultural centers in more than 70 locations, approximately a third of world’s countries) who agreed to link Hello World‘s website to theirs. In this way, the venues helped share and exchange the project’s content with each other and were provided with ready-made cross-cultural programming for their patrons. Also, their participation addressed these venues’ current need for increased website visibility for what is, for most during this crisis, their most viable programming platform. We greatly appreciate their support.

With the mere click of a mouse, stay-at-home voyagers can now collaborate with art projects around the globe, listen to sound works from a mix of cultures, browse galleries of contemporary artists’ works and take in movies and dance pieces from around the world. An archive of TransCultural Exchange’s Hello World is available here.

Visit the venues who joined Hello World‘s gesture of global solidarity here.

“This project is supported by a Transformative Public Art grant from the City of Boston Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture.”