Global Broadcast Exhibition

** Please choose either a website or Instagram link. We will not use both. This information will be included in the Episode’s credits.
Media Reproduction Permission:
I attest that I am in possession of the copyright of these materials and in consideration of these materials and/or personal appearance in the above and without any further consideration from you, I hereby grant permission to you to utilize my materials and/or appearance for cablecast on BNN Media and TransCultural Exchange’s website, throughout the world, in perpetuity. I understand that my materials may be edited at your sole discretion. I consent to the use of the materials provided in connection with TCE TV’s promotion and publicity, including social media.

I expressly release you, your agents, employees, licensees and assigns from and against any and all claims which I have or may have for invasion of privacy, defamation or any other action arising out of the production, distribution, broadcast or exhibition of the Program referred to herein.
I agree that if both my co-registered artist and I ever attended a past TransCultural Exchange Conference and/or if our media files are not submitted as per the Global Broadcast Exhibition guidelines, we will each forfeit the $25 processing/editing fee and the right to have our work included in this Global Broadcast Exhibition.

I understand that if, due to the above, we must forfeit our right to participate in the Global Broadcast Exhibition, I will still be registered and able to attend TransCultural Exchange’s 2025 International Conference on Opportunities in the Arts: Avenues for Daring.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: You can only send either a 30 second video or 3 images. If you send both, you will be disqualified.
** Please choose either a website or Instagram link. We will not use both. This information will be included in the Episode’s credits.
Your Friend’s Media Reproduction Permission:
I attest that I am in possession of the copyright of these materials and in consideration of these materials and/or personal appearance in the above and without any further consideration from you, I hereby grant permission to you to utilize my materials and/or appearance for cablecast on BNN Media and TransCultural Exchange’s website, throughout the world, in perpetuity. I understand that my materials may be edited at your sole discretion. I consent to the use of the materials provided in connection with TCE TV’s promotion and publicity, including social media.

I expressly release you, your agents, employees, licensees and assigns from and against any and all claims which I have or may have for invasion of privacy, defamation or any other action arising out of the production, distribution, broadcast or exhibition of the Program referred to herein.
Your Friend’s Terms of Inclusion in the Exhibition
I agree that if both my co-registered artist and I ever attended a past TransCultural Exchange Conference and/or if our media files are not submitted as per the Global Broadcast Exhibition guidelines, we will each forfeit the $25 processing/editing fee and the right to have our work included in this Global Broadcast Exhibition.

I understand that if, due to the above, we must forfeit our right to participate in the Global Broadcast Exhibition, I will still be registered and able to attend TransCultural Exchange’s 2025 International Conference on Opportunities in the Arts: Avenues for Daring.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: You can only send either a 30 second video or 3 images. If you send both, you will be disqualified.
Thank you for registering and participating in TransCultural Exchange’s Global Broadcast Exhibition.

Upon submitting this form and your payment, you will receive an email explaining how to upload your images. Click the Submit button below to pay for your registration.