See below for Resource Listing Advertisements.
Advertise your art programs, supplies and publications throughout TransCultural Exchange’s 2025 International Conference on Opportunities in the Arts, Avenues for Daring with a highly visible ad in the Conference Brochure. These brochures are distributed to all the speakers and attendees and are referred to continually throughout the Conference. They are an excellent low-cost way to maximize your visibility.
Advertising Rates are as follows:
(Pages are 11” x 8.5″)
- Full page, full color, back or front inside cover: $800
- Full page, full color, interior page: $500
- ½ page, full color, interior page: $300, 5.5” (height) x 8″
- ¼ page, full color, interior page: $195, 5.5” (height) x 4″
- Business card, interior page: $75
Note: Ads must be submitted as high resolution PDFs (a minimum of 300 dpi with all fonts and images embedded and no rasterized text).
All ads and accompanying payment must be received no later than January 5, 2025.
Please send your ad copy as a high resolution PDFs (a minimum of 300 dpi with all fonts and images embedded and no rasterized text) to conference@transculturalexchange.org no later than January 5, 2025.
All advertising is subject to TransCultural Exchange’s approval. TransCultural Exchange reserves the right to reject advertising that is not in keeping with the organization’s standards and objectives.
Each Advertiser assumes liability for all content (including text representation, illustrations and photographs) of advertisements printed, and also assume responsibility for any claims arising therefrom made against TransCultural Exchange.
TransCultural Exchange assumes no liability if for any reason it becomes necessary to omit an advertisement; and TransCultural Exchange’s liability for any error will not exceed the charge for the advertisement in question.
Advertisers may only cancel a contract with 30 days written notice. A fee of 50% of the advertising rate will be charged for all cancellations. No cancellations or changes will be accepted after January 5, 2025.
The forwarding of an order is construed as an acceptance of the above rates and conditions.
Resource Listing Advertisements
Add Your Organization to Transcultural Exchange’s Resource Listings
Advertise your organization, residency, art supplies and services on TransCultural Exchange’s highly trafficked website. (TransCultural Exchange’s website receives over 400,000 hits per month.) This is an excellent low-cost way to maximize your visibility, reach artists and show your support for their work by providing them with easy access to your website.
Links on TransCultural Exchange’s Resource Listings are available as
- A web link with a 2-3 sentence text for $300 per year for non-profit arts organizations.
- A web link with a 2-3 sentence text for $450 per year for for-profit and educational institutions.
Payment to Place a Listing is Available here.
All web links and texts are subject to TransCultural Exchange’s approval. TransCultural Exchange reserves the right to reject web links and texts that are not in keeping with the organization’s standards and objectives. Each Advertiser assumes liability for all content (including text representation, illustrations and photographs) of advertisements printed, and also assumes responsibility for any claims arising therefrom made against TransCultural Exchange. TransCultural Exchange assumes no liability if for any reason it becomes necessary to omit a web link and text; and TransCultural Exchange’s liability for any error will not exceed the charge for the web link and text in question. Advertisers may only cancel a contract with 30 days written notice. A fee of 50% of the advertising rate will be charged for all cancellations. No cancellations or changes will be accepted after the ad has been online for 30 days. The forwarding of an order is construed as an acceptance of the above rates and conditions.